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Allspice is a dried unripe fruit that resembles smooth peppercorns. The name allspice comes from the fact that flavor is near to the combined flavor of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. It is the most important ingredient of Caribbean cuisine. It is used in Jamaica jerk seasoning. It is used in many sausage recipes from Poland and Germany as well as Middle Eastern cuisine that use allspice as the only seasoning. We use it mostly in deserts, Cincinnati-chili and cakes. 

this is a fun spice to use and play with because of the very acceptable; yet, different flavor. We have fresh, delicious ground allspice available from our house to yours. 
You will receive a 12 ounce bag of allspice for $10.90 plus shipping.

AllSpice, ground, 12 oz

SKU: AllSpice, 12 oz
Excluding Sales Tax |
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